Pick My Brain

60 minutes to ask an Alchemist anything

"Carrie has a magic touch! As an experienced coach myself I know I can't see my own blocks. In less than an hour Carrie helped me make the connection between two areas of my business that I've been stuck on for 3 YEARS! Her creative thought process is so original, I love the fresh perspective and I can easily implement it" 

Deirdre Amies
The Fun Business Coach

Who is Carrie Ekins and why should I work with her?

First up, in the spirit of Sacred Money Archetypes - one of the modalities I often work with , let me tell you I am a CONNECTOR/ALCHEMIST/NURTURER. Wanna know what that means?

My CONNECTOR let's me ask a million questions AND listen to the answers deeply. I'm interested in you, where you are right now, where you've been before and where you want to go, and I am ENTHUSIATIC about that! As a Connector, I've been knocked down, and every time I jump back up, having learnt a little on the way. I take complicated notions and uncomplicate them, I share my wisdom and I see your struggle.  

My ALCHEMIST is here to see things a little differently - team it up with my Connector and I will roll ideas around in my head, viewing them from all the angles. Often I will come up with a solution which is unique and brilliant. I sprinkle a little magic along the way and keep things novel and fun. If the 'problem' doesn't respond to the 'solution' in the way I expect, I'll keep jigging it around in my head until we find a reframe that fits.  

My NURTURER really cares. I want to see you shine, flourish and grow. It stops my Alchemist from disappearing down a rabbit hole and keeps my Connector from wanting to give you ALL THE INFORMATION (although my Accumulator clients love that part of me!). I check you're following, and not overwhelmed, and ensure that you are meeting your self care requirements.  

All of these elements bring a breath of fresh air and a unique perspective.

Plus with 2 decades of business running experience navigating the highs and lows of the work life balance I've got a wealth of knowledge to share. From prioritising your wellbeing, to creating structure that feels easy, fun and achievable to putting a magical twist on the otherwise mundane I'm here for it.

Morag Leiper

Gaia Dance

"I think I'm going to come to be coming back to your badass course time and time again. I'm beginning to recognise that I expect to just fly - but your work really helps me to keep focussed, grounded - paying attention to the details...It's good, and I'm really starting to see the results...It's good! So good. And juicy!!! And just inspiring" 

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Pick My Brain


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Carrie Ekins

Carrie Ekins (pronounced Eee-kins) is passionate about humans: their ability to create, to make, to invent and to be. And intrigued by the ways in which we block our own paths and fail to believe in our individual and collective brilliance. 

Carrie’s mission is to help freaking amazing people fulfil themselves, to say "Yes" to their potential and open themselves up to all the good stuff - throwing their gunk to the wind whilst owning what makes them special, slinky and fabulous. 

Scintillated by wonder, filled up with curiosity, an avid eater of cake, there are always more questions than answers.

After gaining her Bsc (hons) in Psychology she followed her true passions of travel and healing. It's been Carrie's complete honour to have been a massage therapist and chief cheerleader of her clients for over 15 years.

Carrie is both passionate and endlessly curious about the human animal: our potential; our strengths and our vulnerabilities – in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She's a total body geek and loves weaving together mindset and bodywork.

It is her absolute delight to share with you the tools she use daily to put more magic into her life, and the wisdom and techniques she has gathered in her professional decades. 

Copyright Carrie Ekins 2024. Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Carrie Ekins. Copyright 2024 Kendall Summer Hawk