
Start from anywhere and build yourself a glorious life.

Course Pricing

Glorious - In


Payment Plan

2 payments of £348 /month

Let's see how many of these you can tick off:

  • You're tired, frustrated, life isn’t as ‘fun’ as you thought it would be.
  • You want ‘more’ but aren’t sure what that looks like, and even then you're not sure whether you have time, space and energy for it. You’re not sure that you'd have ‘permission’ to go out and go get 'it' even if you did know what 'it' was! 
  • You feel like the lynch pin. Kind of like you are, at the exact same time, both the most significant piece of everyone's puzzle AND the block to your own happiness.
  • And as much as you'd like to you haven’t got time or energy for jacking it all in and bogging off on retreat.
  •  You know you need something to shift, but they need to be changes that won’t throw everything into chaos.

Maybe there's a certain disconnect between your twenties and now?  I’m sure you’re happy enough, but inside you still desire a life of FREEDOM and a daily life that feels RICH and JOYOUS. You want more than being 'good' at adulting. You’re looking for a GLORIOUS life on all levels. But it's got to work for you, to be as UNIQUE as you, there's no point signing up for something that's just going to overwhelm you further.

However, if there's a way to put yourself back in the middle of your world, you're ready for it.

You're ready to:

  • Recognise what makes you uniquely brilliant.
  • Let go of inconvenience.
  • Feel greater confidence.
  • Feel calmer, more grounded and in your body.
  • Find what makes you giddy happy in the here and now.
  • Live your Glorious life, on your terms, and let others do their own sweet thing.

What you'll gain from Glorious

Glorious is made up of 6 modules. The course is split over 8 weeks, so you get the first three modules (one a week over three weeks), then a catch up week, then the next three modules (again over three weeks) plus a final celebration week.

The six modules will help you to:

  •  Allow your priorities to be as important as everyone else's.
  • Find work-arounds that feel satisfying and significant without the guilt.
  • Help you identify what you love NOW rather than what you’re told you should love or what you used to love. 
  • Create wellbeing habits that will regulate and soothe stress responses, creating calmer, happier connection with loved ones 
  • Bring you back into connection with your body so you make choices based on intuition, feeling and emotional guidance rather than kneejerk responses - we’re going to deconstruct inconvenient behaviour.
  • Give you permission to vent, express and emote without judgement or guilt.
  • Show you how to create space for themselves, by understanding your internal landscape and how it speaks to your external environment.
  • Make upgrading easy, and make it okay to want better for yourself.
  • Create lives full of courage and confidence, with the capacity to let their ‘No’ be a loving boundary. 
  • Make choices that feel good, honour your desires and deepen your sense of worth.

It's a whole world of epic stuff!
GLORIOUS - the 1:1 Option.
Work with me side by side as we delve deeper into what a glorious life looks and feels like for you.
Included in this option are FIVE (5) 45 minute Zoom calls. Including a discovery call where we map out how you can feel more integrated, more grounded, more ready to step into your next level of gloriousness.
Based on your discovery call you will receive a personalised meditation for you to listen to everyday and I'll recommend mind body exercises specific to your requirements.
All of your 1:1 calls will be recorded and saved in your personal dashboard.
Book three of your 5 calls to happen during the 8 week course run, with your fifth and final call creating a celebratory moment as we prepare you to fly higher and further than ever before.
This is a great option if you are ready and prepared to make transformation happen in your life.
You'll receive the full benefit of my honed ability to cut through the gunk and see what's really going on in your life and soul.
Be ready for the magic to happen!

Why Work With Carrie?

I get where you are, hun.

I spent my 20's travelling the globe: New Zealand; Japan; South America; South East Asia; all over the shop. I've sat in countless coffee houses watching the world and seen more ski slopes than I thought possible (7 ski seasons plus countless trips). They were my version of a glorious time, until they weren't any longer.

We change don't we.

What we want changes, and yet at the core of us, there's always the desire for the thrill. To feel scintillated and alive. That can be tough when you have commitments like family or a career. It's sometimes hard to balance, there's a sneaky feeling of guilt, "How can I be so blessed to have all this, and yet feel like I'm still missing something?".

When I finished my hardcore travelling years, I happily evolved into the healer and therapist I was always going to be. It's been two decades of joyful curiosity. I've been told countless times that I have 'magic hands' (truth is, the magic is already in you, but sometimes you need someone else to recognise that for you!). I know I have a way of connecting people with their bodies and their minds.

That's why I'm here.

That's why you're here too.

That feeling of being unsatisfied is what leads to frustration and petty arguments. Leave it long enough and it festers into bitterness and fear.
Bitterness rankles in the body and throws up all sorts of life muting complications and as for fear? Well, to paraphrase the Aussie classic 'Strictly Ballroom' - a life lived in fear is a life half lived.

And really who wants that?

What Clients Say...

“When I sat down with Letters From Your Badass Future Self, it was incredible. It’s helped me make decisions about the future I want to step into… Instead of overthinking it, I sat down and allowed Carrie to guide me through the meditation, and in allowing her to do that, it allowed me to truly receive.”

Kate Arbuckle
International Best Selling Author of 'Shine Your Light Goddess, Shine Your Light'
Excerpt from a longer testimonial. You can watch it here

"I had been suffering from chronic low back pain for years.  In our assessment time together, Carrie determined the scar tissue from my two C-sections was most likely the culprit. After her myofascial treatment on the scar tissue, the low back pain was gone! I hadn’t realized how much the pain had been affecting my every day life. It had been a drain on me both physically and mentally.  Thank you, Carrie, for your magic hands and healing!"

Nicole Meltzer
Balanced U Academy

"I think I'm going to be coming back to your badass course again and again - I'm beginning to recognise that I expect to just fly - but your work really helps me to keep focused, grounded - paying attention to the details.... It's good, and I'm really starting to see results... It's good! So good. And juicy!!! And just inspiring!

Morag Leiper

“I’ve had a surface knowledge and understanding, I’ve always been open to things, but Carrie has just taken it to somewhere I didn’t even know existed. I’ve always known there is a connection between what’s going on emotionally and my body physically, but Carrie made it make sense and she connected it in a way I didn’t know existed.”

Course Pricing

  • Glorious - In Full



    Discover how to live a more glorious life.

    Buy Now
  • Glorious Payment Plan
  • 2 payments of


    per month

    Pay for Glorious in two chunks.

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Course Curriculum

Carrie Ekins

Carrie Ekins (pronounced Eee-kins) is passionate about humans: their ability to create, to make, to invent and to be. And intrigued by the ways in which we block our own paths and fail to believe in our individual and collective brilliance. 

Carrie’s mission is to help freaking amazing people fulfil themselves, to say "Yes" to their potential and open themselves up to all the good stuff - throwing their gunk to the wind whilst owning what makes them special, slinky and fabulous. 

Scintillated by wonder, filled up with curiosity, an avid eater of cake, there are always more questions than answers.

After gaining her Bsc (hons) in Psychology she followed her true passions of travel and healing. It's been Carrie's complete honour to have been a massage therapist and chief cheerleader of her clients for over 15 years.

Carrie is both passionate and endlessly curious about the human animal: our potential; our strengths and our vulnerabilities – in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She's a total body geek and loves weaving together mindset and bodywork.

It is her absolute delight to share with you the tools she use daily to put more magic into her life, and the wisdom and techniques she has gathered in her professional decades. 

Course Pricing

  • Glorious - In Full



    Discover how to live a more glorious life.

    Buy Now
  • Glorious Payment Plan
  • 2 payments of


    per month

    Pay for Glorious in two chunks.

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