All The Good Things.

All the good things are waiting for you. Work with me for a Year and let's go get them for you.

You Deserve All The Good Things.

Why now...

Do you ever think back on your twenties and wonder where that person has gone? The years of your twenties and early thirties seemed to be years of adventure and experimentation. Weekends were there to be enjoyed and the world was yours to be explored. Whilst you may not miss the hangovers and shitstorms of your wild youth, perhaps you find yourself wishing for a bit of that magic and spontaneity still?  

Now, a decade or two on you find yourself in a cloak of invisibility, and it’s not the Harry Potter kind! It seems to be woven from a slightly itchy combination of middle age normalcy and lurking dissatisfaction.   There’s something about the dirge of day to day routine, filled with requirements that can’t be altered without an authoritarian frown (School run anyone? Christmas at the in-laws?), that leaves you picking fights and dreaming of jacking it all in to live on a small Hebridean island.  

It’s true that some days Adulting sucks, but have you forgotten how FRICKIN’ MAGICAL you are?  

Maybe you're an Alchemist type: you long for magical days and unexpected surprises, and find adulting hard on a full time basis. Perhaps you're the Nurturer type, always taking care of others, even when that means putting your own needs last. Some of us long for connection, to be scintillated by the company of others, and then feel conflicted when they also desire sacred time for their own thoughts.  

I’m here to remind you that even though you feel sucked into a cloud of ‘normal’, where the suburban air smells like tumble dryer sheets, you’re still that same glorious human on the inside.  

But it may be time to face facts that you’re hiding? And in your hiding you may be impacting your bottom line if you’re a business owner, or being passed over for the promotions and rewards you seek in the workplace.  

I can tell you from personal experience, people like you and I, when we get a glimpse of how brilliant we are, we simultaneously get scared of how magical we COULD be. We know the depth of our potential and it freaks the FUCK out of us, so quicker than you can say “White Rabbit!” we slam the lid firmly down on the box. Done and dusted, back to your pleasant mediocre life you go.  

You are an alchemist, a nurturer, a magic maker.

You are a connector, a healer, a solver of problems and a keeper of mysteries.

You need reminding of that over and over and over again, because otherwise the normal world will sneak back in like smoke under a door, and you revert to the common order.  

It takes time to ground in the practice and it takes support to keep shining your magic, and if you’re still here reading this, there’s a fair chance you know that and are ready to take the next step.

What Happens When You Say Yes To All The Good Things?

The most amazing things happen when you say Yes. It's like a huge invitation to welcome in new possibilities.

When you say Yes, it gives you permission to change your responses. It helps you create boundaries, to actualise your dreams and be seen for the bright being you are.

I've been self employed my entire adult life, and what strikes me is that whether you succeed or fail in your endeavours is often dependent not on what happens but on your responses to those happenings.

Mindset is everything.

Easy said.

But when you are a nurturing, creative, empathic, magic maker, it's really easy to be deterred. It's easy to let harsh words get under your skin. It's easy to feel a need to rescue everyone around you before you put your own needs first.

All The Good Things is a special year of support, both playful and reliable in it's nature. If you need a sounding board which doesn't discount your worth or belittle your ideas you'll find it here. There is no idea too wild or ridiculous - sometimes it takes a more long winding path to reach our goals, but that's not to say that it's impossible.

 Many women in their middle years feel and abandonment of self. This is where you find the most current version of yourself. She may be different to the person you were in your twenties or thirties but she is still glorious and deserving on happiness, connection, of being cared for, without having to sacrifice your values or your spirit.

Through out the year you will feel more empowered, more trusting of yourself, more willing to engage in your magic and own your brilliance. You will gain uncomplicated tools that help you recognise your spirals and sabotages and find your way through them before you trip yourself up.

You deserve all the good things.

Course Curriculum

Carrie Ekins

Carrie Ekins (pronounced Eee-kins) is passionate about humans: their ability to create, to make, to invent and to be. And intrigued by the ways in which we block our own paths and fail to believe in our individual and collective brilliance. 

Carrie’s mission is to help freaking amazing people fulfil themselves, to say "Yes" to their potential and open themselves up to all the good stuff - throwing their gunk to the wind whilst owning what makes them special, slinky and fabulous. 

Scintillated by wonder, filled up with curiosity, an avid eater of cake, there are always more questions than answers.

After gaining her Bsc (hons) in Psychology she followed her true passions of travel and healing. It's been Carrie's complete honour to have been a massage therapist and chief cheerleader of her clients for over 15 years.

Carrie is both passionate and endlessly curious about the human animal: our potential; our strengths and our vulnerabilities – in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She's a total body geek and loves weaving together mindset and bodywork.

It is her absolute delight to share with you the tools she use daily to put more magic into her life, and the wisdom and techniques she has gathered in her professional decades. 

Carrie Ekins

Alchemist & Lover of Life

Take advantage of my two decades of hands on body work experience. I'm a myofascial specialist massage therapist (body worker for the Americans). I'll help you delve into the gunk of what's holding you back from creating the life you really wish to live. I believe that we can create great things by maintaining curiosity and a playful nature. The magic is already in you, lets release it!

Course Pricing

  • All the good things.



    12 months of Mind Body Soul integration and deep work. Your physical body, your belief constructs, your creative soul. All of it.

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  • All the good things in chunks
  • 6 payments of


    per month

    Pay in instalments. **first instalment is £2250 and payments are spread across the first 6 months of our year.

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Course Summary

Monthly calls where we mastermind to get you closer to what you desire. Weekly check ins to cheer you on. Quarterly meet ups with hands on Myofascial Release body work and essential Mind Body Soul integration time. And Cake, definitely cake. Yep, it's all the good things.