Alchemy - Work with me 1 to 1

You deserve to live a glorious life full of freedom and joy. A Life where your needs and dreams are as important as everyone else's. Let's go get it.

My clients are extraordinary and ordinary. Just like me. They've experienced loss and grief, frustration and disappointment. They've created great success and felt wild euphoria, sometimes it's lasted and sometimes they've watched it slip away, leaving them wondering "How do I get back there?". They've seen their idols fall from the pillars they've placed them on and carried stories of betrayal and mistrust handed to them by their parents and grandparents.

I will champion you, in the same way as I champion myself (in past, present and future tenses), and will gently ask you to enquire why you do continue to accept situations that no longer serve you? Why do you continue to allow yourself to feel unworthy, less than, to be treated poorly?
Because you are worth so much more and you know that on some level. Once you start to peel apart the stories you allow yourself to tell, you can start to see how you can heal them and free yourself from them.

You deserve to live a glorious life full of freedom and joy. You deserve all the things that make you happy. You deserve to feel safe, supported and heard. And it's okay if hearing that makes you feel a little uncomfortable, but I promise you, you deserve all the good things your heart desires. Let's go get them huh?

Course Summary

Based on four questions: What do you DESIRE?; What do you REQUIRE to get it?; What must you RETIRE?; and What will INSPIRE you along the way? This is one to one mentoring with playful focus and curiosity, married with support and uncomplicated strategy to help you achieve your goals.

  • If you love the idea of getting clarity on what you really want, and be stretched a little further to identify what’s getting in the way of achieving it, then Alchemy is for you.
  • If you'd like to give yourself permission to make things uncomplicated by finding playful, simple strategies that will lead to powerful, grounded choices, then Alchemy could be just what you need.
  • If you're ready to accept your vision and play with it, rather than shoving it back in a cupboard because you’re worried about whether you’re good enough to pull it off, then this is the time for Alchemy. 
  • If you need time to process and implement, Alchemy creates a safe environment for you to explore each step, feel into the detail and see where you are holding yourself back. 

At first glance, these are seemingly simple questions, but together I'll guide you into the nuance and deeper levels of each. You'll start to understand the origin of the gunk that's been holding you back and create a host of wellbeing and productivity anchors that will support you as you move forward. Alchemy is about creating clarity through clearing gunky old patterns that no longer serve you whilst promoting confidence and inspiration you bring you on to achieving your desires.

We're talking 4 one hour sessions spread out across across 7 weeks. This gives you a week to integrate and take action between each of our calls.

Why the week off? Because life can be hectic, things come up that need your focus and growth shouldn't be a chore. The in-between weeks are also an invitation to play, to have a massage or take a long walk. We're working together to build you a life of pleasure and fun, so let's start as you mean to go on.

Ready to get started?

Course Pricing

  • Alchemy 1:1
  • £977

    Create amazing things in your life - work with me.

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Course Curriculum

Morag Leiper

Letters From Your Badass Future Self

I think I'm going to be coming back to your Badass course again and again - I'm beginning to recognise that I expect to just fly - but your work really helps me to keep focused, grounded - paying attention to the details.... It's good, and I'm really starting to see results...  It's good! So good.  And juicy!!!  And just inspiring! 

Carrie Ekins

Carrie Ekins (pronounced Eee-kins) is passionate about humans: their ability to create, to make, to invent and to be. And intrigued by the ways in which we block our own paths and fail to believe in our individual and collective brilliance. 

Carrie’s mission is to help freaking amazing people fulfil themselves, to say "Yes" to their potential and open themselves up to all the good stuff - throwing their gunk to the wind whilst owning what makes them special, slinky and fabulous. 

Scintillated by wonder, filled up with curiosity, an avid eater of cake, there are always more questions than answers.

After gaining her Bsc (hons) in Psychology she followed her true passions of travel and healing. It's been Carrie's complete honour to have been a massage therapist and chief cheerleader of her clients for over 15 years.

Carrie is both passionate and endlessly curious about the human animal: our potential; our strengths and our vulnerabilities – in all ways physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. She's a total body geek and loves weaving together mindset and bodywork.

It is her absolute delight to share with you the tools she use daily to put more magic into her life, and the wisdom and techniques she has gathered in her professional decades.